Acne Story Part Two -- Treatment #1
Mid treatment picture during my first acne treatment session at The Rejuvenation Place
Hey and welcome back! If you’ve been following my acne journey so far, thank you! Although I wish I wasn’t going through this, I feel blessed to have so much love and support on my journey. If this is your first time here, you can check out the first blog from my acne journey here!
On Sunday, October 20th, 2019 I officially decided it was time to try a different route with my skin care.
Backstory: Since 2009 I had been working with dermatologists to treat my acne medically. I can still remember the exact moment in 2009 that I realized how bad it was getting. It was around Thanksgiving and we were going to see some family for the weekend. That weekend was the very first time I didn’t want to go somewhere due to my acne. After that, it only got worse. By the time our winter formal rolled around I was crying about how bad I looked while caking on another layer of makeup. After that, my mom knew there had to be something we could do, so she scheduled my first dermatology appointment. Eleven pills a day that consisted of birth control, antibiotics, supplements, etc., along with some laser treatment for the scarring, and I was acne free in time for prom. Which clearly was the most important day of my life up until that point. After clearing it up, I was able to stop all of the medication except the birth control. At the time, the birth control was my saving grace. It kept my skin clear until 2016. In 2016 my acne was back with a vengeance. My boyfriend at the time was pretty serious and I was hoping he would propose soon and I was not about to have a face full of acne for a potential proposal, engagement, and wedding, so I was ready to kill the acne at any cost, which led me to Accutane. At first, I loved the Accutane. I saw incredible results within a month and a half. Not only did my skin clear up quickly, but I never had the mid-day greasy face feeling and I could literally go a week without washing my hair or needing dry shampoo. So basically, it was every girl’s dream. Until about the three/four-month mark. Of course, I had the cracked dry lips that everyone gets, but what nobody told me was that my joints would be so stiff and sore that I would be in physical pain at all times of day. Thank goodness I was teaching so I didn’t often sit throughout the day, but if I went to a meeting and had to sit for a half hour or so, it was physically excruciating to stand up. I was in so much physical pain, I decided to quit Accutane at the five month mark. I quit a month early and never did the second round like most dermatologists recommend. Although I was hoping my five months would keep me clear forever, it didn’t, so here we are. PS- If your mind is still wondering what happened with that boyfriend, it didn’t work out but at least I got clear skin. J U S T K I D D I N G !! We have been happily married for two and a half years! <3
Fast forward to today, the Accutane has officially worn off and my skin is worse than it has ever been in my entire life. You know the saying, “I wish I weighed what I weighed when I thought I needed to lose 10 pounds?” Well that’s me, except I wish my acne was as bad as it was when I thought I had bad acne. On Sunday, October 20th, 2019, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had been looking into different med spas to contact about getting treatments and something told me to reach out to The Rejuvenation Place. Not only was I a little doubtful that they could actually help me, but I was incredibly embarrassed to show them my skin. I knew my acne was bad with makeup on, so I was terrified to show them my acne without makeup on. Gina Norton ended up messaging me back and then gave me her personal cell phone number to keep in contact and set up an initial consult. Not that a personal cellphone number is everything, but that was the first of many reasons that showed me that I would be more than just another client, they were actually seeing me as a real person and cared about the future of my skin.
Between both of our busy schedules, I was surprised when they were able to squeeze me in just ten days later on October 30th. I had no idea what to expect for my appointment, which to me was another good sign. Gina didn’t want to tell me our exact treatment plan until she got all of my makeup off and could get an up-close and very personal look at what she was actually dealing with, because let’s be honest, my acne was definitely going to be challenging. Thankfully though, she was up for the challenge and excited to help me!
Along with reading the treatment information below, you can watch our entire first treatment together, here! This video will give you an inside look at the tools she used and how my skin reacted to each step.
Dermaplane: Using a blade to take off the facial hair and dead skin cell buildup.
From the video: Gina, “As I am dermaplaning over the skin, I take a really good look at each area because I feel like the skin tells a story as far as what you’re using and how your skin is responding to that product. The health and the integrity of the skin is really important to see as you peel away the layers as well as how deep the damage is and how dried out and dehydrated your skin is. All of this can tell me how I can proceed to treat after the dermaplane.”
Opinion: I loved this part of the treatment and I wish I could have this done every day. This took off all of my little facial hairs and so many layers of dead skin. My face felt so smooth afterwards and looked so much healthier too. Although it is like a blade running across your face, it was almost completely pain free. If you didn’t have any acne at all, I can only image how good it would feel. Gina was very careful while going over my cysts and super gentle while trying to get as much of the flaky dry skin as possible. I highly recommend anyone and everyone try this!
Pomegranate and Pumpkin Organic Enzyme by AnteAge:
Better than a peel because it doesn’t brown out the blemishes and cause them to ooze. The enzyme goes in and gobbles up the dead skin cells (like packman). After spreading on the peel, Gina used a rubber anti-bacterial sonic brush to rub it in and a sonic cleanser to help bring the milia and blackheads up to the surface. She doesn’t recommend at home clarisonic brushes due to how it could tear up the acne and spread the bacteria.
Opinion: This smelled so yummy and sweet! There is a bit of a tingling along with it, but overall it was enjoyable! The rubber sonic brush didn’t hurt whatsoever as Gina gently glided it over my entire face.
Ultrasonic Acne Tool with Vibrating Spatula: This is a flat metal tool and the vibration of the sonic helps push the milia, dirt, and congestion out of the pores. Gina went over the skin gently to try and get anything that would voluntarily come out first. Then she used the tool to try and get any of the active cysts to come to the surface by using the vibration to help get under the blemish to push it out.
Opinion: While working on the bigger cysts, I will admit that it was painful. Although it hurt, I knew that Gina needed to get the bacteria out in order for the healing to begin. This treatment does cause a lot of initial redness and inflammation, but I was incredibly surprised how much of a difference there was in how “full” the cysts were when she began and how “flat” they were when she finished. Plus, when I woke up the next day a lot of the huge inflamed cysts were already starting to dry up and heal!
Current: This tool is used by having me hold onto one piece as Gina runs the other piece over my face. It helps take the swelling down and speed up the healing process.
Opinion: It didn’t hurt whatsoever and was quite soothing. There was a bit of tingling in my mouth and a metal taste, but overall well worth the healing benefits!
Black Mask with High Frequency: The black mask is for oily acneic skin and helps take out the redness and inflammation, as well as helps the healing process. The high frequency kills the acne virus and sterilized the skin to help the skin not to purge. It also helps stimulate the blood circulation to get the dirty blood out and bring in new healthy blood.
Opinion: The mask felt very cool and pleasant. The high frequency smelt like an air purifier and did not hurt whatsoever. This treatment was awesome because although we knew my skin would have some purging from the extractions, this helped it from having too many new pimples come to the surface.
Sparking the Blemishes: This was like the high frequency, but it helped isolate individual blemishes and really treat them. The tool looked just like the water sucker at the dentist. It was small and skinny, with just a small tip where the spark came out of. Gina compared this to something being cauterized.
Opinion: This treatment did have a bit of a tingly sensation kind of like a little tiny pinch, but wasn’t painful at all.
LED Mask: (Not shown in the video) This is a dome shaped light that is placed right over top of your face. It helps kill the bacteria and heal scarring with the red light and blue light therapy.
Opinion: This is a must for anyone who has some active blemishes or scarring. It was so peaceful and relaxing!
100% Squalene: Natural fatty acid that helps keep the barrier intact, keep the moisture in, and keep the bacteria out. This oil is non-clogging and non-comedogenic.
Opinion: For an oil, this felt so smooth and lightweight. It was a great way to end the treatment!
Below you will find the first five pictures after my initial treatment!
Stay tuned for the next post which will be all about the new skin care line and makeup line that I began on November 5th, 2019!
If you’re interested in checking out the acne packages The Rejuvenation Place offers, you can visit them on Facebook, Instagram, or visit their website at
October 31st
One day after first treatment
November 1st
Two days after first treatment
November 2nd
Three days after first treatment
November 3rd
Four days after first treatment
November 4th
Five days after first treatment