5 Teacher Tasks to Complete for a Stress Free Winter Break
Listen to this podcast episode 53 on the Let’s Talk Teaching Podcast with Kayla Durkin
You did it! You are officially just a few days away from Christmas break and that means you’re about halfway through the school year, which is absolutely crazy! Did you think you’d even make it this far? I’m sure some of you didn’t.
Today we are talking about what to do before you head off on break so that you can enjoy the time off, hang out with your family, do whatever you want to do, and just enjoy life. And hey, I am totally not saying you can’t do any teacher things over break, because sometimes working is fun and just makes us feel better, but like always, I hope it is a situation where you’re working because you want to and because it brings you joy, not because you have to in order to survive.
It’s no secret, most schools do not have a teacher workday between the last day in December and the first day back in January, which means you need to be super productive in the days leading up to break!
If you do anything before heading off, there are five things I really hope you take time to do.
It is going to be so tempting to try to finish things up while students are working independently, but try to find a balance. We really need to remember that not all of our students are going home to a safe space. Your classroom has been a safe haven for some of your students. A place where they feel seen, heard and loved every single day. As you’re wrapping things up for the year, remember to continue to show them just as much love and grace if not even a little extra, as they may not receive a warm hug or smile for the next 10 to 14 days. Some students won’t have warm meals or even a warm house. Some students won’t receive any positive interaction, some students will be responsible to care for their siblings, others might witness abuse or may even be abused. Our students are carrying around so many burdens, so as you’re getting ready to finish up the year, just be sure to love on them a little extra before they go, they really do need it.
Tip number two is all about those stacks on stacks on stacks, and we are not talking about money, because we all know teachers are broke. What I am talking about are those stacks of papers that Type B teachers seem to have going on everywhere. In drawers, in the cupboards, on your teacher table, in the to-file folder…girl friend, get rid of those! Take a prep period or some time after school and sort through everything. File the important things, recycle the rest. And remember, if you have it as a digital copy, you do not need to keep it. Nobody wants to sift through a file folder to find something they need a copy of, and then physically walk to the printer to make a photocopy of it. We all know you’re just going to send it to the printer straight from your laptop anyway, so just recycle that copy and move on with your life.
Give your students the sanitizer wipes and let them go to work. You can even make it a competition and say whoever has the dirtiest wipe gets to pick a prize from the prize bin. Organize your library, small group table, teacher spot…clean it like you’re prepping for the first day of school. Coming back from break with a clean slate really will make it just that much easier to come back, trust me!
I know I talked about this one in last week’s post, but make sure you have the first few weeks of January planned out and ready to go. The more prepared you are to start the year, the better the new year will go! I am talking lesson plans, classroom calendars, new student jobs, changing your bulletin boards, whatever. Whatever you envision your classroom looking like on the day you get back from break, should all be as ready to go as possible before you leave for break. I will be talking about this more in the upcoming weeks, but as your planning, also remember that you’ll need to review procedures, spend extra time rebuilding those relationships, and do a lot of the same things you did in August during back-to-school. When I am prepping my room for break, I personally like to make sure my classroom is completely cleaned and organized, Christmas decor is taken down, my back to school activities and New Years activities are prepped and ready, my lesson plans for the first week back are printed and laid out, and my bulletin boards are changed and ready for new years activities. The January calendar is hung up, student jobs are ready to be picked, my SEL lessons are prepared, and everything for that first week back is printed, organized, and ready to go. If something happens over break and you have a delayed flight, or you are sick, or for some reason, you cannot be there for the first day, it shouldn’t be a problem for someone to walk into your room and take over because the plans are there, the activities are there, the room is cleaned, and it’s good to go. Think about how to start your new year, and make all the plans ahead of time for that plan to be a success.
Before you head out on the last day, do not take things home to grade. Read that again. Do not take things home to grade! If you are required to give a final on the last day, do whatever you can to get it into the grade book before you leave school. If you have to take home that stack of papers, it’s going to weigh on you all break and you’re going to hate yourself when it’s your last day of break and you have to grade those papers instead of enjoying your last day without responsibilities. If you’re wondering how can you stay organized on your grades, remember the teacher batching tips we talked about and plan to start fresh on your grading plan for the new year!
You might think I am kidding, but I am totally being serious. There is one more thing you might want to do before you head out for break. If you have something in your classroom that goes against the fire code… like strings of lights, a Keurig or microwave, a mini-fridge, a space heater… You know, the things they say you can't have in your classroom and then they wink at you? Yeah, if you have any of those things, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to try to hide or take those things over break. Ask a veteran teacher, because not all schools are like this, but sometimes those sneaky admin like to have the fire marshals come in over break, and nobody wants to get back from break and find out they had something in their room that went against the fire code.
Alright, I know I am asking a lot of you. You might be thinking these are impossible tasks, but trust me. If you take a few extra hours during these next few days to get these things done so that you can enjoy your entire 10 - 14 days off, you’ll be thanking me, maybe not right now, but I know you will.
And with that, you’ve got a lot of work to do, so you better get going! Make a to-do list, prioritize the big stuff. Do the thing that you don’t want to do the most first and just get it out of the way. Then, of course, just be sure to continue to love up on those kiddos before you go. They are going to miss you, and I know you’re going to miss them too!
If you need anything at all, reach out to me on Instagram @mrskayladurkin! I am sure we’ll talk soon, but if not, enjoy these last few days and enjoy your break. Please know that I am praying for each and every one of you. For your health, mental wellbeing, safety, travels, and for the little things that you go through every day. The holidays can be hard, but just know you’re never alone. I am wishing you all the best and sending love, peace, and joy your way!
Merry Christmas,
Smart Goals for Student New Years 2023 Activity
Ready to kick off 2023 in your classroom? This New Years Activity for Students is all about taking a look back at 2022 and setting SMART goals for 2023. Many teachers love this activity because it even includes SMART Goal student examples!
What is a SMART Goal? A SMART Goal is a goal that is:
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely
Digital and Printable New Years Word Search
Looking for an easy, no-prep activity to kick off the new year?
This digital holiday word search is perfect for distance learning, hybrid, or face-to-face students.
You can use this new years 2023 word search activity as a reward, early finisher, or just a fun Friday activity!
This activity is truly no prep! Simply download and share or print for face-to-face students!
New Years 2023 Bulletin Board Ideas
Create your New Years Bulletin Board that says, "Let's make 2023 the best year yet!"
This bulletin board included all numbers so that it will always be updated for many years to come!!
This Resource Includes:
Two sizes for all numbers letters to customize for your board
Black and white letters, to be printed on colored card stock
Choose letter/number size
Print on colored cardstock
Cut out
Let’s Talk Teaching Podcast with Kayla Durkin
How do you feel about teacher podcasts? I’ll admit, I wasn’t super into them at first either. However, once I realized the impact they can make, I was hooked.
Sometimes, the best teacher PD we can receive comes from having conversations with other educators, which is what the Let’s Talk Teaching Podcast is all about!
And guess what, I release a new episode every Friday! Whether you’re driving to school, driving to the gym, or folding some laundry at home, if you’re looking for a new teacher podcast to listen to, this is surely one you do not want to miss!
Come on over and say hey! 👋🏼 @mrskayladurkin