Homemade Pumpkin Bread

Within the past five years or so, pumpkin bread has became a halloween staple in my family. I can still remember the first time I made it. At the time, I didn’t have any intentions of making pumpkin bread, it was just another year of carving pumpkins. While carving my pumpkin, the thought came to me, “I bet canned pumpkin is made out of real pumpkins!” I know, it was a super deep, profound thought.

Anyway, the first recipe I tried turned out to be successful, although I had to make quite a few changes to fit my needs. Not only did all of the recipes call for the smallest amount of cinnamon and other festive spices, but they also seemed to call for way too much oil in my opinion. Plus, all of the recipes I found called for canned pumpkin, which obviously wasn’t okay after my mind blowing realization. So, I ended up mashing together multiple recipes to come up with the one that’s just right for me!

After five or so years, I think I am ready to share! Feel free to click the image below to download your recipe!

PS - If you’re not a huge cinnamon or pumpkin spice fan, feel free to ease up on the spices a bit.

FoodKayla Durkin