What is a Curriculum Map + How to Create a Curriculum Map
What is a Curriculum Map
+ How to Create a Curriculum Map
What is a Curriculum Map
A curriculum map is a visual breakdown of all of the lessons and standards that will be covered over a period of time. This period could be over an entire school year, a semester, or even over the quarter or trimester, depending on how long your classes last.
What is a Scope and Sequence?
A scope and sequence and a curriculum map are nearly interchangeable. However, a curriculum map is a little more broad, whereas a scope and sequence is a lot more detailed and includes lesson plans and activities.
What is curriculum mapping?
Curriculum mapping has the sole purpose of filling the gaps and helping to align standards and topics. Curriculum mapping requires breaking down all of the standards and topics and putting them in a sequential order (scope and sequence) that will guide how you teach, what you teach, and when you teach it.
Template for a curriculum map
The picture below is an example of a scope and sequence template that I made. I took this curriculum map and made it more in-depth by adding the columns for games/activities and notes. Although I didn’t know which games/activities I would be using at the time I made the map, I wanted to be sure to include them so that I could add them in as a taught, instead of having to try to remember the next year. Using this guide, I was able to map out my entire curriculum in one sitting. You can learn how to make your own guide here!
Scope and Sequence Template
Why is it important to have a scope and sequence?
After five years of teaching, this process has become my lifeline. When I first started teaching, I was definitely “winging” it. I barely knew what I was teaching the day of, so there was no way I would have been able to tell you what I was teaching next week. Let alone, plan my lessons around school-wide events, professional development that caused me to be gone, or even help students if they needed their materials before going on a family vacation.
Now that I live by this process, I feel prepared for lost days of instruction. I am no longer worried about getting all of the standards squeezed in or planning for a substitute. If you asked me what I was teaching on any given day of the year, say April 8th or any other day, I would be able to tell you.
Now don’t get me wrong. There are still surprises. Lessons that don’t go as well as we thought, days for catch up and reteaching, along with being a day behind due to being sick or even a surprise fire drill. However, with this plan, I don’t worry about that whatsoever, because I already have days like this built into my schedule.
If you’re anything like me, you’re probably still a bit skeptical about this whole curriculum planning ordeal. You’re probably thinking, “I don’t know what I am having for lunch tomorrow, how am I supposed to plan out an entire year of curriculum?” That’s ok! We are in this together and I am here to help you however you need! If you have any questions throughout this process, please send me an email or reach out to me on Instagram. I am here to help however I can!
Whether you’re just starting a new school year or already halfway through your school year, this is for you! It is never too late to sit down and plan out the remainder of your school year.
Maybe you’re worried about fitting everything in before the end of the year, wondering what content you will cover before state testing, or trying to plan around important events throughout this year. This process will help you create your own curriculum map and help you feel confident in your lessons, help you plan for those surprise events that pop up and even be able to plan more in-depth lessons because you will already have the next topic on your radar.
Here is to feeling more confident and prepared. A less stressed teacher is a better teacher. If you’re ready to dive in, join the workshop now and start creating your own curriculum map! I am so excited for you to start this journey!
- Kayla