10 Practical Teacher Tips for Surviving this Holiday Season
Listen to podcast episode 52 on the Let’s Talk Teaching Podcast with Kayla Durkin for more tips!
Ready or not, the holiday season is here!
December can be an overwhelming time for many teachers. From the end of year tasks that need to be finished up to finding time for holiday shopping and family gatherings, it’s a lot!
Let’s be proactive during these next few weeks so that you can stay on top of your to-do list and feel your best during these last few weeks of school!
Make a scope and sequence of all of your lessons
My husband always says, ”When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” The holidays bring so much magic, but can also be stressful. You will more than likely be traveling or having guests, which means you’re losing precious time to plan. I like to make a broad scope and sequence for the entire year that includes my non-negotiables; meaning I know I need to be ‘here’ by this date. Before things get too busy, take a few hours one night after school, or on the weekend, to plan out which topics you will be teaching for the next three months. I highly suggest trying to get through the first few weeks of January, simply because things will get busy, and you’ll feel much better if you already have a plan. Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean you are planning every lesson in detail, this just means you at least have an idea of what you will be teaching for the upcoming weeks.
If you need help creating a scope and sequence, check out this workshop!
2. Plan to Access Student Progress
Now that you have a general idea of what you will need to cover through the new year, you can now plan your assessments. Knowing how you are going to assess students’ progress will help keep you on task during this busy season. Make sure to put each Middle of the Year assessment on your calendar so you can keep track of what you have accessed and what you still need to access. If you know what’s on the standard and what you need to teach, this will also help you fine-tune that scope and sequence you made and teach more to the standard instead of just, “winging it.”
3. Plan your Fun Days
Okay, this might be my favorite tip. You know what you need to teach and how you’re going to assess your students, so now it’s time for a bit of fun. Since you know what topics are coming up, start looking ahead at fun projects or activities that you can do with each topic. Yes, it’s important to stay on task and make sure your students are still learning, but consider using this opportunity to break out the scissors and glue and let your students just be kids. If an activity requires supplies, and you already know what you’re going to need, you can just add it to your shopping list ahead of time instead of having to run to the store in the morning before school. Planning fun activities through those last few weeks before the holidays will help keep your students engaged, but will also help spread holiday cheer!
4. Keep Normal Routines
We have all had those days where we try to do something really cool, but there are a few students who just can’t handle it. Although the holidays can bring some really fun activities, try to keep some normalcy within your classroom. If you always have snacks or recess at a certain time, continue to do that. If students are used to a certain morning routine, keep doing that. Just like you and me, routines give us a sense of peace, especially for those students who don’t go home to the best place. When the holiday season starts getting crazy, let your classroom be the place your students know they can always find their normal.
5. Become a Meal Prepper
I know I am not the only person whose stomach starts to growl, and before I know it, I am in the staff room looking for a treat. We all can agree that the holidays bring more food temptations than any other time of year. Plus, it is way easier to eat four cookies for lunch than to stand by the microwave waiting for our lunch to get warm. But, when we are feeding our bodies with garbage, we are not going to be able to keep up the energy needed to survive this crazy time of year. Making a big batch of soup and separating it into containers makes for easy meal prep for teachers. Planning freezer or crockpot meals for when you get home and adding healthy foods to your grocery list can also make all the difference. I promise you, the cookies and treats will still be there. I am all about “treat yo self”, but just make sure you are also giving your body the nutrition it needs to stay healthy throughout the holiday season.
6. Make Exercise a Priority
Okay, this step is important too. You have some healthy food mixed into your day, but it’s getting darker, earlier, and suddenly our body seems to think we should be washed up and in our PJ’s by 6:00 pm. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I have been there way too many times to count. Everyone is saying it, the words sound scary, and it is so easy to ignore, but get your body moving anyway. When I think of exercise, I am not saying you need to wake up and run a 5k every day before work. I am simply saying, do something that gets your body off the couch. We are already consuming extra calories with the holiday treats, so not only will the exercise help combat the weight gain, but it will also give you more energy, help you stay healthy, and kick start a new routine for the new year. If you haven’t exercised in a while, start with some easy yoga, walk a few laps around your school, or get outside if possible!
7. Make Time for You Time
You time; this is probably another thing you hear about a lot, but maybe you haven’t tried it out yet. Many people often view “you time” as being selfish. Like, if you spend time on yourself, you’re taking away from something else. Although that may be true, it is important to make yourself a priority. You’re probably already more stressed than usual, so find something to do that is just about you. Shut your door for a bit and read a book, take a yoga class, take a bubble bath, journal, etc. Although routine is good, I don’t expect you to choose the same thing every day, although I do enjoy writing down a “things I'm grateful for” list. It makes me feel a bit more present and connected. No matter what you choose to do for your “you time”, just remember to use the time to focus on yourself so you are able to bring your best self to the table for your family and your students.
8. Water, Water, Water
H2O! Before you say it, I already know what you’re thinking.
“I can’t drink water because then I will need to use the restroom, but my schedule doesn’t allow that!”
I feel ya! Trust me, I have the world's smallest bladder. Water is so important though. It makes you feel better, it gives you energy, it makes your skin healthier, it makes you feel full faster. Simply put, it’s just so darn good for you! Here is my trick: If I get up in the middle of the night, I always drink a full glass of water. As soon as my alarm goes off I usually need to use the restroom and I drink another. Right before I leave for school, I then drink my third glass of water for the day. This allows me to get 24 oz in before I’ve started working. Plus, I always use the restroom right before class starts. I try to drink my full water bottle before lunch, which puts me at 44 oz for the day, and then I try to drink another water bottle by the end of the day. If I am successful, I have now gotten in all 64 required oz of water, and I no longer have to worry about it when I get home. If drinking water at school absolutely doesn’t work for you, try to get your three glasses in before school, sip a bit throughout the day, and then start drinking more right before the school day ends. No matter what your water schedule is, make sure you’re getting it done so you feel your best self this season!
9. Take a Deep Breath
No matter the day, there are always going to be things you can’t control. You can’t control that you have another meeting, the phone call you just got, or the negative email. You can’t control how your students behave or what someone says to you, but you can control how you react. You can choose to take a deep breath, find the positive, and respond in a kind and respectful manner. You’re stressed, they’re stressed, we’re all stressed. Try to put yourself in their shoes, what caused them to say a certain thing or act a certain way? It’s okay to take a minute before you react. Just take that deep breath, or ten, list what you’re grateful for, and then move forward.
10. Smile, it’s Almost Christmas Break!
Lastly, and most importantly, don’t forget to smile. Your students are so lucky to have you and they look forward to seeing you each and every day. They might ask for love in the most unloving ways but smile and love them anyway. If you’re having a hard time getting a smile out, think back to why you became a teacher, or a special teaching moment that will forever be in your heart. These children need us every single day. They don’t need the cranky, stressed-out, overwhelmed teacher. They need the teacher who shows up for them, puts on a happy face, and spreads kindness and love to all that they meet.
Hopefully, these tips help you to get through this holiday season. Yes, this is one of the busiest times of the year both in the classroom and at home, but keep these tips in mind and remember to enjoy the magic of the season! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Instagram. Have a Happy Holiday Season! You’ve got this, teacher friends!
Let’s Talk Teaching Podcast with Kayla Durkin
How do you feel about teacher podcasts? I’ll admit, I wasn’t super into them at first either. However, once I realized the impact they can make, I was hooked.
Sometimes, the best teacher PD we can receive comes from having conversations with other educators, which is what the Let’s Talk Teaching Podcast is all about!
And guess what, I release a new episode every Friday! Whether you’re driving to school, driving to the gym, or folding some laundry at home, if you’re looking for a new teacher podcast to listen to, this is surely one you do not want to miss!
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