Classroom Management: Middle School Strategies
Classroom Management: Middle School Strategies
Classroom management is complex. There isn’t just one or two ways to manage a classroom. Each classroom, student, and subject requires different routines and procedures. Classroom management is the strategies and methods used within a classroom environment that contribute to student success.
A big question here is what do we define as student success? Success for one student might look like proficient grades and college-bound actions, whereas success for another student might look more like a student feeling welcomed in an inclusive classroom.
Each year we are going to have students who each carry a unique backpack of characteristics. We are going to have students of all races and religions, students who have and do not have involved parents, students with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities, and students who carry more trauma than we could ever begin to understand.
Although we will never be prepared for every student who comes through our classroom door, we can do our best to prepare an inclusive classroom where our students feel valued and accepted.
I will be the first to admit that I do not have a tool in my toolbox for every unique situation, however, I do believe that I have helped set up our classroom to display an environment that is inclusive and welcoming.
Classroom gallery wall
In this classroom, we are a family Bulletin Board
Around my classroom, you will notice a lot of positive affirmations and reminders. I want my students to know that we are in this together. We are a family. I often refer to our classroom as our home and remind them how we treat our family members. I want my students to know that they are all loved important, and they truly do matter. We are a family and we are on this journey together.
In this classroom, we are a family - Grab the bulletin board template here!
Wow Work Boards in a middle school Classroom
I truly believe in the power of praise and I know students are so proud of a lot of work they produce. Our wow work board is basically the refrigerator of our classroom. If a student is proud of their work and wants to display is, they are more than welcome to hang it up. When a student feels a sense of pride and accomplishment, they will want to continually work hard to impress you.
Middle School CHAMPS Posters Printable
CHAMPS has SAVED my life and made classroom management so much easier. If anyone ever asks me for advice on routines and procedures, I will always ask them if they are using CHAMPS? CHAMPS helps students know their expectations and reflect on their learning. Before I send my students off into any activity, whether it is independent work, partner work, group work, etc, I always go over their expectations with them.
Classroom Management Hand Signals in a Middle School Classroom
If you’re not using hand signals yet, you need to! Yes, you might be thinking that using hand signals for classroom management are more for an elementary classroom, but hand signals are great for middle school classrooms too.
You no longer have to stop mid sentence for a student to ask to use the restroom or for a student to get a tissue. Hand signals are especially great if you are working with a small group or an individual student. You can approve or decline a question with a simple thumbs up or thumbs down, without having to stop with you’re doing.
While You Were Gone Student Absence Folders
I use this file folder system to help keep things organized while students are gone. Since I am teaching five classes a day, it is very typical to have one or two students gone each day. I to keep things organized, I simply fill out a “While You Were Gone” form to record whatever was missed, if there is also a worksheet or assignment that goes with it, I will staple it to the form, and then when students return they simply grab their folder with the form and assignments. I no longer have to worry about keeping track of where I set their paper or have to recall what we did if they missed more than one day. Everything is in there and ready to go!
While you were gone folders
Classroom MailBox
I am a firm believer in having a classroom mailbox. This is a great way for students to leave you messages about anything that is on their mind. Maybe they need a new seating assignment, maybe they are struggling and need extra help, maybe they want you to know about an important event that is coming up. These classroom mailboxes help students share information with you that they want you to know about them that they are too shy or embarrassed to say to you.
Schedule Boards
Using a schedule board in middle school helps students know what to expect. They will come in each day knowing what is on the agenda, they will know when items or projects are due, and they won’t have to worry about what they will miss if they know they will be gone the next day. Schedule boards help students fill out their planners, stay organized, and ease anxiety about what is to come.
Schedule Board in Middle School
At our school, we have a school-wide acronym that helps us define our school-wide expectations. Students know that in all situations they need to have respect, be on time, accept others, and be responsible. This acronym is incredibly helpful for middle school classroom management strategies because we can refer back to them in all situations. Almost any behavioral issue always falls into one of those four categories. When I have conversations with my middle schoolers if there ever is an issue, I can always come back to our acronym and say, “Our family believes in accepting others” or “Our family respects each other” …”Why might I feel like you weren’t being respectful?” …”Do you think (name) feels accepted when...”
Classroom Acronyms and Floral Shiplap Alphabet
Inclusive Classrooms
Using CHAMPS, hand signals, positive praise, schedules, and other classroom management strategies mentioned above all help lead to our main goal of having an inclusive middle school classroom. We want all students to have the strategies and support they need to be successful. We want all students to know that they are accepted, that they are loved, they are important, and that they matter. We want every student, no matter what trauma or other characteristics they carry around in their backpack, to know that they belong and they are right where they are meant to be.
Check-out my other middle school blog posts:
Middle School Number Talks
Map Out Your Entire Curriculum in One Sitting
BONUS: Check out these classroom management blog posts from other great teachers!