Posts tagged selfhelp
Reflecting on Student Teaching

As you transition from student teacher to first year teacher, having not only the skill, but also the desire to reflect on your day is going to be so beneficial. In today's episode you'll hear more about why reflecting is beneficial, and you'll even get your own reflection guide!

To grab your guide, head to

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How to Survive Student Teaching

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and I absolutely do not want that for you! If you're gearing up for student teaching and you're wondering what to keep in your student teacher bag, I've got you covered! In today's episode I'll will be sharing all of the items that you can find in my teacher bag on any given day!

Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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What's in Your Teacher Bag?

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and I absolutely do not want that for you! If you're gearing up for student teaching and you're wondering what to keep in your student teacher bag, I've got you covered! In today's episode I'll will be sharing all of the items that you can find in my teacher bag on any given day!

Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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Making a Positive Impression When Student Teaching

Student teaching can be filled with nerves and anxiety. We've been dreaming about being a teacher for our whole lives and now suddenly our future is right in front of us. These tips are going to help you kick off your student teaching experience the right way to ensure you're going to get a rockin' letter of recommendation at the end of your experience!

Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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10 Tips for Student Teachers

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, your host Kayla Durkin, is switching things up a bit and sharing tips with student teachers to help them make a positive impact during their student teaching experience!

Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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Building Positive Relationships with Your Colleagues

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, your host Kayla Durkin, is opening up about building positive relationships with colleagues.Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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Recognizing Anxiety in Students

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teaching podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, your host Kayla Durkin, shares how to recognize signs of anxiety in students. Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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Teacher Truth: Being Fearless in 2021

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, your host Kayla Durkin, opening up about being fearless as we kick off 2021. Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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Three Tips for Going Back to School After Christmas Break

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, your host Kayla Durkin, is sharing 3 tips for going back to school after winter break. Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching!

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Being a STEM Coordinator with Dr. Kayla Norville

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast we switched things up a bit by interviewing someone who isn't a first year teacher. Dr. Kayla Norville is a STEM coordinator and she is sharing about getting her masters and PHD as well as her struggles during her first year of teaching.

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Teaching Third Grade with Kirsten Hammond

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, Kirsten shares her experience of being a teacher over the past few years, teaching during a hurricane, creating resources, and more!

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Target Erasers, Masters Degrees, and so much more with Miranda Hall

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, Miranda is actually a second-year teacher but feels like a first-year teacher due to her first year being cut short because of the Covid 19 pandemic.

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Bite Sized PD - Teacher Professional Development Workshop

Thank you for listening to the North Dakota Teaching Podcast! This Bite-Sized PD is our Black Friday special for our teacher professional development workshop. Throughout today’s teacher PD episode, you’re going to hear about how to avoid stress with some awesome self-care tips for the holidays, how to bring inclusion and diversity into your classroom through picture books, how to have an intentional learning environment, and you’re even going to learn more about social-emotional learning.

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Being a First Year Teacher at a Charter School with Kaila Barnes

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, Kaila shares her experiences with being a first-grade teacher at a charter school and rockin' it! If you would like to hear more about teaching at a charter school, this podcast is for you! Kaila is a fantastic teacher with so many great ideas!

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First Year Teacher Podcast Series with Bailey Knowles

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, Bailey shares her experiences with being a fourth-grade teacher and rockin' it! If you would like to hear how Bailey became a teacher without a teaching degree or student teaching experience, this podcast is for you! Bailey is an amazing teacher with a heart of gold. Her students are so lucky to have her!

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Teaching Pre-School While Finishing School with Irina Shvets

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, Irina shares her experiences with being a pre-school teacher while finishing her Elementary Education degree.

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Middle School Math with Acadia Gurney

Gain first-year teacher tips through this teacher podcast which is all about highlighting first-year teachers during their first year in the classroom! In this podcast, Acadia shares about her experiences with distance learning, hybrid learning, and being face to face. Acadia is a middle school math teacher rocking her first year of teaching. Be sure to listen to this teacher podcast to gain helpful first-year teacher tips!

North Dakota Teaching's host, Kayla Durkin, is using this podcast series to interview first-year teachers in hopes of inspiring other first-year teachers. Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers navigate their first year of teaching.

Acadia is currently a member of the Blossoming Teacher Course - If you're interested in becoming a Blossoming Teacher, you can join here!

If you enjoyed this podcast, feel free to give us a thumbs up!


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